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Examples of specific OT services provided at the Ranch include:


  • Assessment of function in the areas of self care, productivity and leisure; identifying challenges impacting function (cognitive, psychological, physical) and recognizing strengths, values, interests and resources to increase functional ability to return to activities of daily living, life roles and increase quality of life.


  • In-home functional and/or accessibility assessments and community-based treatment when indicated (i.e. home/workplace/community).


  • Behavioural activation through structured activity planning, progressive goal setting, in vivo graded exposure therapy and problem solving. The goal is to help clients reintegrate into home life, the community and workplace as needed.


  • Energy Management – sleep normalization, self-regulation for calm, alert and grounded state, pacing, tolerance development for sustained mental activity and overall stimulation (light, noise, touch)


  • Education and practice of cognitive and behavioural strategies for improving sleep.


  • Pain management – identification of psychosocial barriers, pacing education, structured activity scheduling, graded activity involvement, problem solving and implementation of positive coping techniques to promote increased function and re-integration into life role activities.


  • Cognitive Rehabilitation/Concussion Management Services – including functional cognitive screening and provision of rehabilitation services such as remedial cognitive and work hardening exercises and implementation of memory compensation strategies.


  • Return to work skills development (communication/interpersonal skills, compensatory strategies), job coaching during GRTW, and design of appropriate ease back plans


  • Complex Case Management


  • Administration of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)©– an individualized outcome measure designed for use by Occupational Therapists.  The measure is designed to detect change in a client’s self-perception of occupational performance over time.  It identifies clients’ perceived performance and satisfaction with this performance.


  • Transferrable skills from equine-assisted learning/psychotherapy to applications of self-care, leisure and productivity in daily life.


The Serene View Ranch partners with the team at Stratford Occupational Therapy

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