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A psychological assessment is typically requested when a specific referral question is required to be answered, for such purposes as a diagnosis, treatment or application for psychological benefits through a funding agent.


A Psychological Assessment involves the planned use of interviews (generally semi-structured) and specific psychometric assessments (tests) to answer questions highlighted in a referral. All the components of the psychological assessment play a specific role. The interview helps define the current situation/problems and important elements of personal history. It also engages the patient with the assessment process.


The psychological tests offer a unique perspective on relevant issues while also highlighting where and how therapy probably needs to be focused. The type of psychological measures chosen depend on the questions to be answered as well as the time demands and financial cost of the test under consideration. A comprehensive psychological assessment can take between 10-18 hours to complete and requires a number of visits with the registered psychologist and/or the assessment clinician. This will vary between three to five sessions.  


At SVR, the psychological assessment is always reviewed with the client prior to being sent to the referring agency and the client is provided with the final copy of the assessment for their records.  Finally, the psychological assessments completed at SVR play a valuable role in determining the course of treatment and the services that could benefit the specific needs of clients. 

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