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61 PointSamantha Sambrooke
00:00 / 12:47

A scan of 61 points in the body. This can be done seated or laying down. Great to do at any time of the day especially before bed if the mind is busy with thoughts. 

Yoga-NidraSamantha Sambrooke
00:00 / 13:22

"Nidra" translates to sleep, however you can practice at any time. This guided meditation invites you to recite a sankalpa, which is like an intention, or something you want to bring forward. An example is, "I am becoming more and more compassionate with myself".

Energy.DiffusionSamantha Sambrooke
00:00 / 06:11

This is a great tool for when emotions are running high. You Are guided to stay with the sensations as you are experiencing them. You may discover over the duration of this recording they become less intense. 

Because mental health challenges don't discriminate, Serene View Ranch promotes equity for all our clients and staff, regardless of ethnicity, culture, gender identity, gender, gender expression, colour, race, religion, age, ability, diversity, sexual orientation, or veteran status. We are committed to the principle of non-discrimination in all our interactions and ensuring that our staff have the resources and education to support them. We recognize that this is ongoing work and welcome your feedback to help us build a more inclusive organization.    


In the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge that the land upon which our organization stands is unceded Mi’kmaq territory. Epekwitk (PEI), Mi’kma’ki, is covered by the historic Treaties of Peace and Friendship. We pay our respects to the Indigenous Mi’kmaq People who have occupied this Island for over 12,000 years; past, present and future. 


 © 2024 Serene View Ranch 

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